Analyze the current process (made up by you the writer), identify problems or areas worthy of improvement, make suggestions for the Director/supervisor/boss of your department (made up by you the writer), and, where possible, discuss improvements and methods to measure change.


You must make an operational improvement (or suggestion for improvement) at the company called the Electric Power Research Institute as previous discussed in the 1-page project proposal you previously submitted.

You will analyze the current process (made up by you the writer), identify problems or areas worthy of improvement, make suggestions for the Director/supervisor/boss of your department (made up by you the writer), and, where possible, discuss improvements and methods to measure change.

You can choose any type of operational methodology presented in the provided text and power point presentations.

Make four suggested improvements and techniques to implement these improvements.

You must submit a report that presents the project in Operations Management terms, using tools and techniques provided throughout the text.

You must include at least 12 quotes from the bible to add a Christian perspective (just pull offline but reference the Holy Bible.

The more techniques and areas of improvement you are able to incorporate, the better your project grade will be. Individuals choosing to do the bare minimum of improving a single process should expect to receive a bare minimum of a passing grade.

The paper must be 12 pages of content in APA format with at least 6 references.

You will also complete a 10 slide PowerPoint presentation for this project and that summarizes the improvements and techniques