Were appropriate comparisons made to enhance interpretability of the findings?

Research design ● Was the most rigorous possible design used, given the purpose of the research?
● Were appropriate comparisons made to enhance interpretability of the findings?
● Was the number of data collection points appropriate?
● Did the design minimize biases and threats to the validity of the study (e.g., was blinding used, was attrition minimized)? Box 9.1, page 155
Population and sample ● Was the population identified and described? Was the sample described in sufficient detail?
● Was the best possible sampling design used to enhance the sample’s representativeness? Were sample biases minimized?
● Was the sample size adequate? Was a power analysis used to estimate sample size needs? Box 10.1, page 167
Data collection and measurement ● Were key variables operationalized using the best possible method (e.g., interviews, observations, and so on)?
● Are the specific instruments adequately described, and were they good choices, given the study purpose and study population?
● Did the report provide evidence that the data collection methods yielded data that were high on reliability and validity? Box 10.2, page 178
Procedures ● If there was an intervention, was it adequately described, and was it properly implemented? Did most participants allocated to the intervention group actually receive it?
● Were data collected in a manner that minimized bias? Were the staff who collected data appropriately trained? Box 9.1, page 155
Data analysis ● Were appropriate statistical methods used?
● Was the most powerful analytic method used? (e.g., did the analysis control for confounding variables)?
● Were Type I and Type II errors avoided or minimized? Box 14.1, page 254
Findings and interpretation ● Was information about statistical significance presented?
● Was information about effect size and precision of estimates (confidence intervals) presented?
● Was the clinical significance of the findings discussed? Box 15.1, page 272
Summary assessment ● Despite limitations, do the study findings appear to be valid—do you have confidence in the truth value of the results?
● Does the study contribute any meaningful evidence that can be used in nursing practice or that is useful to the nursing discipline?