What is the most interesting, important point the paper will make? What will you need to explain?

Topic, Question, Significance, Audience

Identify Your Topic. Define the area of knowledge considered and match it to the size of the assignment; think in terms of nouns or key words you might use in a search. My topic is “Understanding Trust between Social Media Users”

I am working on the topic of:

Develop Questions and Begin Research. Design questions so their answers are based in evidence. Start questions with how or why so they need explaining. Record your sources in either MLA or APA.

Because I want to find out how/why:

Draft Significance and Main Point. What is the most interesting, important point the paper will make? What will you need to explain?

So that I can help others understand:

They might use my work to:

Identify the Audience. Think of purpose, specifically in terms of readers.