What kinds of things do people do there? What kinds of things do they avoid?

(All Images of the location you choose can be described and interpreted from online, not inperson )Go out and spend at least one hour walking around (no more than a few blocks in eachdirection). Practicing all of the principles of ethnography (no judgments, suspend naive realism,etc.), conduct a walking observation by paying attention to:The built environment and landscape (What are they like? People’s interactions, their uses ofspace, (What kinds of things do people do there? What kinds of things do they avoid?Any symbols, artifacts, rituals, and other patterns that may carry meaning, in support of yourinsights about the previous two points, or any others you may think of during the observation.Bring a notebook (make sure the pages are large enough to draw a map with all the requireddetails described in the next paragraph) with you and jot down what you observe, even thingsthat seem unimportant. You don’t need to submit these fieldnotes.Select the most interesting block in the area observed, and draw a map of it. You may define a‘block’ as:An area bounded on four sides by streets;Both sides or a single street (include the corners); orThe four corners of an intersection.The viewer must be able to identify clearly:All of the features of the built environment (buildings, parks, street, sidewalks, subwayentrances, etc.), including their names if known (see below);The location of any major landmarks (specific kinds of building, murals, statues, fountains, trees,etc.) and other important, interesting, or relevant places on the block;The relative locations of any major symbols (graffitti, advertisements, signs, flyers, clothing,etc.), artifacts (cars, posts, containers, merchandise and other movable objects being used, etc.),and practices/patterns of behavior that you observed (for example: “a group of young peoplewere skateboarding here”).Your initial sketch will probably be rough, so go home and ‘clean it up’ either by hand, or withthe help of a computer program (the only requirements are that you make the map, and that youare able to convert it into a file format that can be uploaded). Make sure everything mentionedabove is labeled legibly.Scan or photograph your map (if drawn by hand), paste or insert the image into a Word file, andin the same file, type up a brief paragraph (1 Page ) with any additional information ordescriptions that might be helpful to the reader. Make sure you identify the name of the specificneighborhood, the borough it’s in, and the names of all streets that appear on the map, as well asany important buildings and other landmarks (if unsure, use Google Maps later on tocorroborate).