What were the results (elaborate) and what do these results affect our society, and the way we think about media & gender? (it’s important to write a good discussion here)


1. from your textbook table of contents locate & read chapter 1 (edition 11 of the book).


2. Provide 11 main points from the reading. Include main points from the beginning, middle & end of the reading. Be sure to include in-text citations from the textbook reading, with page numbers, for each main point. The main points should be a minimum of 15 words each (It’s ok if more words are used). Include the word count at the end of each main point. Be sure to use your own words rather than direct quotation.


In-text citation formatting, (author’s last name, year of publication, page #). Note all of the information is within parenthesis..

1. Main point #1, with in-text citation, (word count)

2. Main point #2, with in-text citation, (word count)

3. Main point #3, with in-text citation, (word count)

4. Main point #4, with in-text citation, (word count)

5. Main point #5, with in-text citation, (word count)

6. Main point #6, with in-text citation, (word count)

7. Main point #7, with in-text citation, (word count)

8. Main point #8, with in-text citation, (word count)

9. Main point #9, with in-text citation, (word count)

10. Main point #10, with in-text citation, (word count)

11. Main point #11, with in-text citation, (word count)



** Review the scholarly/journal study assignment from the attached PDF

2.. Visit the following website (copy & paste URL into browser)

** The video addresses how to use the UTEP library databases to find your scholarly journal study

3.. What are 5 main points from this video – or 5 things you found most helpful







Review the attached PDF. Submit the responses to the last slide below. Please note the minimum number of words for this section should be 300, Please feel free to include more discussion. Include the total word count at the very end of the section. Number each response to match the question.

1. Link (URL) for your scholarly journal study

2.. Title of study

3.. Date of study

4.. Name of the journal and volume (please note it must come from an academic/scholarly journal)

5.. What was studied

6.. What was the researcher’s hypothesis

7.. Who were the research participants (the people that were studied) – demographics (elaborate with good details)

8.. How was the study conducted (method) (elaborate with details)

9.. What were the results (elaborate) and what do these results affect our society, and the way we think about media & gender? (it’s important to write a good discussion here)

10.. Analysis – why are the results significant? What did the researcher’s learn? (This should have a lot of elaboration)

11.. What did you learn? If you could do this study, what would you do differently?