Discuss,Is there an ethical dilemma? If so, how would you solve it; if not why, and how do you think it should be handled. Please use ANA provisions to support your argument.

Is there an ethical dilemma? If so, how would you solve it; if not why, and how do you think it should be handled. Please use ANA provisions to support your argument.
Ethics article
Posted on April by Patricia Benner
What Happens When Hospitals Run out of Ventilators and Other Emergency Rescue Equipment?
Patricia Benner, R.N., Ph.D., FAAN
April 7, 2020
Our overwhelmed, or soon to be overwhelmed hospitals, face rationing precious life-saving equipment, such as ventilators. Our national lack of preparedness for a global pandemic will, in the near future, force local physicians and nurses to ration ventilators and oxygen delivery equipment, for patients and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for caregivers. How do health care providers make decisions about who gets a ventilator when their survival statistic range in the 10% to 20% range . This is an unprecedented large-scale ethical and human challenge for U.S. health care workers. As Dr. Jessica Zitter, a palliative care doctor at Stanford University Health Care, states