Explain the theoretical frameworks developed by Piaget and Vygotsky in relation to cognitive development and comment on how this knowledge may assist in working with children and their families

In particular:A) How do you define a secure base and safe haven and the idea of an internal working model of attachment? What might be the impact of loss, change and / or uncertainty on the development of young children’s attachments?
B) Explain the theoretical frameworks developed by Piaget and Vygotsky in relation to cognitive development and comment on how this knowledge may assist in working with children and their families
C) Outline one cognitive (Piaget or Kohlberg) and one social learning theory approach (Bandura or Hoffman) to moral development. How might these help us to make sense of children and young people’s understanding of right and wrong?
D) How useful is the construct of identity (consider the work of Erikson, Marcia, and Coleman) for making sense of the experience of adolescence? How might this understanding contribute to social work practice with young people?
E) With reference to psychological theories (refer to at least 2 of the following: Erikson, Levinson and Baltes) what are the major changes in our relationships and identities throughout adulthood? How does the experience of adversity and / or trauma impact on these changes and transitions?
F) When utilising such theories what should a social work practitioner be mindful of in terms of professional standards?