Why should we do this project? What will be gained, changed, or modified? Is there a financial or business reason to do this project? This area should contain any feasibility studies, NPV, PI, PB, or PBD used to advance the project.

Project Title/Name: Start up coffee shop
Brew2U shop and delivery.
Project Description/Mission/Purpose: What is your project going to accomplish?
Promote Healthy and tasty coffe
 How does this project relate to overall goals and objectives of the company? Promote and deliver healthy coffee across the nation.

 It is part of a program or larger project?

Statement of Work: What will this project create?
What is the product of the project?
At a high level, how do you plan on doing the work of
the project?What are the high-level deliverable s for this project?
Objectives: What objectives, if any, of the company is this project designed to meet?
Business Need: Why should we do this project? What will be gained, changed, or modified? Is there a financial or business reason to do this project? This area should contain any feasibility studies, NPV, PI, PB, or PBD used to advance the project.
Project Manager and Stakeholders: Who will lead this project? Who are the major stakeholders?
Milestones: What are the key milestone dates associated with the project?
Budget: What is the order-of-magnitude budget for this project?
User Acceptance Criteria/Quality: What are the minimum success criteria as defined by the key stakeholders?
High Level Assumptions: What are the assumptions on which the project is based?
High Level Constraints: What are the major limiting factors that affect the project?
Exclusions and Boundaries: What are the boundaries of the project? What is to be included and what is to be excluded from the project?
Major Risks: What are the major risks affecting the project?
Sociocultural Factors: Describes the issues pertinent to your project such as political issues, technical issues, ethical issues, and other sociocultural factors.