Analyze the relevance and potential effectiveness of evidence when making a decision.

Demonstration of Proficiency
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:
Competency 2: Analyze the relevance and potential effectiveness of evidence when making a decision.
Reflect on which evidence was most relevant and useful when making decisions regarding the care plan.
Competency 3: Apply an evidence-based practice model to address a practice issue.
Explain the ways in which an EBP model was used to help develop the care plan.
Competency 4: Plan care based on the best available evidence.
Propose an evidence-based care plan to improve the safety and outcomes for a patient.
Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly communication strategies to lead practice changes based on evidence.
Identify benefits and strategies to mitigate the challenges of interdisciplinary collaboration to plan care within the context of a remote team.
Communicate in a professional manner that is easily audible and uses proper grammar, including a reference list formatted in current APA style.
Professional Context
Remote care and diagnosis is a continuing and increasingly important method for nurses to help deliver care to patients to promote safety and enhance health outcomes. Understanding best EBPs and building competence in delivering nursing care to remote patients is a key competency for all nurses. Additionally, in some scenarios, while you may be delivering care in person you may be collaborating with a physician or other team members who are remote. Understanding the benefits and challenges of interdisciplinary collaboration is vital to developing effective communication strategies when coordinating care. So, being proficient at communicating and working with remote health care team members is also critical to delivering quality, evidence-base care.
Propose an evidence-based care plan that you believe will improve the safety and outcomes of the patient in the Vila Health Remote Collaboration on Evidence-Based Care media scenario.
Discuss the ways in which an EBP model and relevant evidence helped you to develop and make decision about the plan you proposed
Wrap up your video by identifying the benefits of the remote collaboration in the scenario, as well as discuss strategies you found in the literature or best practices that could help mitigate or overcome one or more of the collaboration challenges you observed in the scenario.
Be sure you mention any articles, authors, and other relevant sources of evidence that helped inform your video. Important: You are required to submit an APA-formatted reference list of the sources you cited specifically in your video or used to inform your presentation.
The following media is an example learner submission in which the speaker successfully addresses all competencies in the assessment.
Propose an evidence-based care plan to improve the safety and outcomes for a patient based on the Vila Health Remote Collaboration on Evidence-Care media scenario.
Explain the ways in which an EBP model was used to help develop the care plan.
Reflect on which evidence was most relevant and useful when making decisions regarding the care plan.
Identify benefits and strategies to mitigate the challenges of interdisciplinary collaboration to plan care within the context of a remote team.
Communicate in a professional manner that is easily audible and uses proper grammar, including a reference list formatted in current APA style.
Note: If you require the use of assistive technology or alternative communication methods to participate in this activity, please