Describe how your new information technology could address one or more of the workflow problems identified in your organizaton/department.

Write a workflow summary of 4 to 5 pages, not including workflow diagrams in length. This summary should detail your proposed new healthcare technology system. The summary should describe how your new information technology could address one or more of the workflow problems identified in your organizaton/department.

Make sure to not only identify what the information technology is, but also how it will improve workflow and clinical or administrative outcomes. In addition, this assignment requires you to include workflow diagrams. Using the flowchart symbols within Microsoft Powerpoint (or other process mapping software), develop two flowsharts: one of the current state workflow prior to your new solution and another representing the future state, post implementation. These charts should be embedded into your workflow anaylysis summary in the appropriate logical position.

Think about the issues/problems related to workflow from a clinican or patient perspective in an applicable department or organization and most importantly, a potential technology solution to correct this issue. This can be a project you are currently working on, a future project, or a virtual project. (please see uploaded file— module 5 for more ideas.) This upload will also give you additional sites for information.