Explain.Is this proposal solicited or unsolicited? (See proposal notes in PowerPoint.)

Write 150 or more words on what you think of the excerpt from Al Gore’s book An Inconvenient Truth. What do you think of topic, claim, presentation of misconceptions, and use of persuasive strategies? Below are some ideas for writing, if you’re stuck and don’t know where to start.

Give examples of emotional appeals in the essay. What kinds of emotions are targeted? Are these appeals effective? Explain.
How does Gore use ethical appeal? Give an example.
Is Gore credible? Explain.
Is this proposal solicited or unsolicited? (See proposal notes in PowerPoint.) Explain.
Find a counterargument addressed in the proposal. Is it fair and handled thoroughly? Explain.
Did you find any propaganda techniques? If so, explain.
Give an example of inductive reasoning.
What do you find most convincing in this proposal?
What do you find least convincing in this proposal?
Answer one of the questions that follow the essay.