What decision models are being considered, why

Minimum of 500 words in the body
Minimum of 2 sources from the literature in addition to course texts
Use the following outline:
 Introduction
 Process: Setting the Company’s Direction with Strategy – no less than 200 words
 Strategic Thinking: Discussion of a Key Advantage or Disadvantage from Rumelt,
why – no less than 200 words
 Decision Model: no less than 100 words
 How do my decision models aid / hinder this, why
 What decision models are being considered, why
 Conclusion
Include an Annotated Bibliography of the 2 additional Sources:
Minimum of 250 words in annotation Summary of Key Points
Evaluation of the Quality of the Publication Evaluation of the Quality of the Author(s) Where this fits into the discussion

Other tools
on the attached files you will find a sample paper with the format and a preview how the paper needs to look. An other file with the two sources from the book that needs to be on the paper, any other inquiry. Important, the paper needs to be write on APA 7 edition, please reach out to me for any other inquiries