Describe how a primary care nurse might apply motivational interviewing to this stage of behaviour change.

Based on this case study you will be required to:
Identify a lifestyle risk factor relevant to Chad. (approx. 50 words)
2. Use the transtheoretical model of behaviour change to identify a stage of
change applicable to Chad, justify your choice. Describe how a primary care
nurse might apply motivational interviewing to this stage of behaviour
change. (approx. 250 words).
3. Develop a transcript of questions incorporating motivational interviewing
techniques to assist Chad to progress through the stages of change in relation
to the behaviour change identified in question 1. Ensure that questioning is
consistent with person-centred care principles. (approx. 500 words)
4. Conclusion to include expected health outcomes and summary of approach to
lifestyle risk communication. (approx. 150 words).
Style and format
Case study
Reference style/format as per APA7. A summary of the APA system
Subject Learning
1. Define health promotion and health education for the person individually,
in the community and within population across the lifespan;
3. Use contemporary models of physical and psychiatric/mental health care
can be delivered to the person in a primary health care setting to enhance the persons health outcomes.
Marking Criteria See Rubric