What strategies will you use to facilitate school and postsecondary transitions for all students?

Apply developmentally appropriate approaches to college and career counseling while meeting with three of your high school students for individual planning.
Listen carefully to your students and enter all relevant information on each Individual Transition and Planning Form.
Be certain to fully complete the top Academic Planning portion of the form based on what you learned about the student in Blooming Park.
Complete the bottom portion of the form, Postsecondary and Transition Planning, based on your ideas regarding this planning. Some of the necessary information may not have been provided in the Blooming Park interviews, so use your imagination and creativity to complete this section with additional information based on educated guesses regarding each student. This will help make the process more realistic and practical. Please note that not all content will pertain to each student.

Part 2: Individual Student Planning, Advocacy, and Promotion of Equity
Identify at least one developmentally appropriate career counseling assessment you would use for each student and provide a rationale to support your choice of assessment.
For each student, describe how you will use what you learned during the individual planning meeting to target the gap in college access for this particular student and others at the school (such as students with disabilities, LGBTQ students, socioeconomic disadvantages, racial or ethnic considerations, and special populations).
For each student, identify strategies you will use to facilitate their postsecondary transition based on information sharing during the individual planning meeting. For example, you may address interventions for career, academic, or social/emotional development, as well as interventions for college/noncollege, as applicable.

Part 3: Putting It All Together
After completing the individual planning meetings, consider the developmental needs of high school students and consider strategies for facilitating postsecondary transitions for all students.
What strategies will you use to facilitate school and post secondary transitions for all students?
Be sure to briefly address the academic, social/emotional, and career development needs of all students while supporting them in the post secondary transition.
How will you increase promotion and graduation rates through developmentally appropriate career counseling interventions and assessments?
How could individual planning promote equity in student achievement and college access?
How will you address internalized oppression and focus on advocacy at a systemic level to promote equity in college access and career readiness?
Address district, state, and federal policies related to equity.
What are the legal and ethical considerations specific to promoting equity in college access and career readiness for school counselors?
Describe what you learned about individual and transition planning.
Include all required information within the Individual Planning and Transition Form. Your assignment must include the three individual planning forms and your responses to all prompts outlined.