Where is the organization located? Why should your neighbors help that particular cause?

Write with Your Audience in Mind
All writers must consider the reason they are writing and the audience for whom they are writing. Each time you write for school, your audience is ultimately your instructor; so make sure you address the entire prompt.

Sometimes the prompt will ask you to focus on a certain audience. For example, today’s prompt suggests you address your neighbors. Because of your assigned audience, you may need to explain exactly how to become involved. However, let’s imagine you were creating pamphlets for a group of professional volunteers. In the latter scenario, you would not have to explain how to become involved. As you plan your brochure, remember your purpose and audience; both can change the type of information you include.


Look at the hands in this picture. The photographer was using the Rule of Thirds vertically.
When creating your brochure, a professional appearance is important. Graphic designers often use the Rule of Thirds. The Rule of Thirds is a guideline based on a human tendency to be drawn to images, design, and graphics that are easily divided into three parts. The trifold brochure is already divided into three equal parts vertically, but it can be divided into three parts horizontally, too. Consider the balance of threes when placing text, pictures, and graphics. Even within images, the Rule of Thirds applies. A photographer might purposely place objects in the foreground, middle ground, and background. When placing text boxes, keep in mind the Rule of Thirds for balance, especially on a trifold brochure.

Today, you will use research, graphics, and images to create a brochure to persuade and inform a neighbor. Develop the topic thoroughly by selecting only the most significant and relevant facts, definitions, quotations, or other information. Use details from your investigation to support a central idea of involvement. Carefully choose your graphics and determine your placement of text based on the Rule of Thirds. Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, and rewriting. You will need to follow the rules of grammar by using correct punctuation, spelling, and capitalization. Before uploading your final draft, make sure you have included several transitions, words, or phrases that will link sections of the text one to another.

Before completing your final draft, please look at the brochure rubric.

Create a “Get Involved with Politics” brochure to be distributed in your neighborhood. The leaflet should outline three ways for the citizens of your community to become involved with issues you select. Your research should explore opportunities available to work as a volunteer or part-time in order to help improve the local government within your town or city. For each opportunity, please answer the following questions:

Who would they be helping?
What is the service?
When does the organization need help?
Where is the organization located?
Why should your neighbors help that particular cause?
How can your neighbors contact those in charge in order to sign up?
You may choose to start your investigation by attending school board meetings, as well as town or city hall meetings. You may also choose to research local election campaigns and/or organizations supporting a cause you admire. Your pamphlet must be visually appealing and informative. Provide a concluding section that supports your claim that the prospects need to become more involved. Be sure your concluding section flows from the information given.
1. Start your research:
Find one program or grant offered through your local city government.
List two concerns of your local school district.
List one local group that is attempting to raise money for their cause.
List one upcoming event being celebrated in your town.
Please use complete sentences and identify your source.

2.Which of the following is the best definition for The Rule of Thirds?
The placement of sentences into three parts.
The placement of images into groups of three.
A trifold brochure.
A guideline based on a human tendency to be drawn to images, design, and graphics that are easily divided into three parts

3.After carefully editing, please upload the final draft of your brochure. Remember to upload both sides of the brochure.