Research and discuss WHY you agree or disagree with this statement. [Think about narrowing your exploration to a few specific areas (scientific progress, political progress, social justice etc.) or the paper will become a beast that will crush you]

Everyone agrees that Pandemics and Epidemics are catastrophic events in the history of Humanity that bring devastation and pain of immense proportions; and yet, it can be argued, every pandemic and every epidemic in the history of the West has also brought in its wake some opportunity for political, social or economic progress. Research and discuss WHY you agree or disagree with this statement.
The Idea of Progress Begins with The Renaissance
In Europe of the Middle-Ages, there was little idea of “Progress:” It was assumed by almost everyone that tomorrow would not be much different than yesterday. It was The Renaissance that introduced the idea of Progress to Early Modern Europe, an idea that still permeates our 21st century worldview. Research and discuss WHY you agree or disagree with this statement. [Think about narrowing your exploration to a few specific areas (scientific progress, political progress, social justice etc.) or the paper will become a beast that will crush you]

(Late Middle-Ages through the Baroque Era):
In ancient Rome, a “Genius” was a spirit that lived in the walls of an artist’s home or workshop and whispered ideas (the secrets of the universe) to the artist. With the arrival of Rational Humanism in the Renaissance such irrational ideas were discarded, and the word “Genius” came to designate not the inspirational spirit in the walls or in the air, but the Artists themselves. Research and discuss how this understanding of genius as an individualistic creative person has influenced and continues to influence our 21st Century Western concepts of Art and artistry.

The Renaissance in the West began more in Muslim Spain than in Florence or Venice. Research and argue for or against this thesis.

The Bubonic Plague (1340s) created the conditions that made the Renaissance possible. Research and argue for or against this thesis.

The art and architecture of the Baroque Era are the obvious statement of wealth and power by those who most feared losing either or both: The Catholic Church on the one hand, Royalty and Nobility on the other. Research and argue for or against this thesis.

“The West” came to dominate “The Rest” of the world in the past 500 years through the institutions of [pick 1 or more of the 6 institutions named by Niall Ferguson]: Competition, Scientific Revolution, Private Property, Modern Medicine, Consumerism, Work Ethic, [and\or the one Professor Ferguson “forgot”] Slavery. Research and argue for the institution(s) you chose.

Leonardo is NOT as much of a “genius” as popular culture gives him credit for. Research and argue for or against this thesis.
The Protestant Reformation, largely helped by the recent commercialization of the printing press, started [accelerated] several revolutions:
The rise of vernacular languages
The first Scientific Revolution
The rise of Capitalism
The questioning of religious authority
The questioning of civil authority
Research and argue the impact of the Reformation one or more of the above-mentioned societal upheavals.

The advent of the Internet in the late 20th century in many ways parallels the introduction and commercialization of the printing press by Gutenberg and his associates. Research and argue for or against this thesis.