Identify the title and author of the poem you are writing about Include a thesis statement giving your opinion on interpretation Include discussion of poetic devices and vocabulary that helps support your interpretation Include context that helps support your interpretation.



Pick your favorite poem from the Context assignment. [This does not need to be the one you were assigned for research, though choosing a poem you already have some context for may save you time.]


Hopefully you have already done so, but if not:

Go to the FlipGrid discussion on Context
Listen to the information your peers found on the poem you chose

Using an MLA Formatted document, please write a 2 page journal that answers the following prompt:

Explain your interpretation of the poem using context [historical, cultural, biographical, etc.] to help support your opinion.
As you write, make sure you remember to:

Identify the title and author of the poem you are writing about
Include a thesis statement giving your opinion on interpretation
Include discussion of poetic devices and vocabulary that helps support your interpretation
Include context that helps support your interpretation
Think of this as a mini-essay. Use this as an opportunity to practice before we begin writing our first major analysis essay next week.