This assignment requires you to find a peer-reviewed, academic, research article that uses quantitative methods and comes from a communication perspective. You will critique the article and present your critique to the class in a formal presentation. You will demonstrate your understanding of the research methods concepts learned throughout the semester. Make sure to budget yourself at least 2-3 weeks to complete the assignment.
1. Select an appropriate article from the database Communication & Mass Media Complete, APA PsychInfo, or Academic Premiere. See requirements for article below.
a. Click on the Peer-Reviewed box
b. Article must be published *2010 to 2020
c. Find a suitable research article
i. Peer-reviewed
ii. Primary source (original data) – it must present new data collected on some issue (if it does not have a section titled “Methods,” it probably is not a research article). Additionally, do not choose a “meta-analysis” where the author looks at many studies and reports on cumulative findings across studies.
iii. Communication perspective (must focus on messages or so aspect of the communication model).
iv. Quantitative methods were used to analyze the data – look for statistics.
2. Submit 3 possible articles to analyze in your final presentation for approval. Due Sunday, October 11th (3 points).
3. After receiving feedback from Dr. Aldrich, finalize you article selection and submit it. Due Sunday, October 25th (5 points).
4. Read your article carefully and take notes. (It is vital you choose an article you understand and can analyze).
5. Critically analyze the article using terms and concepts from the course. For example, did the researchers use reliable and valid measures? Was their sample bias or randomly selected? Was the sample large? Did the sample represent the population of interest? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the method they used?
6. Construct a full-sentence outline of your presentation. Due Sunday, November 22nd (20 points).