Describe additional inclusion or exclusion criteria for participants in this study

Describe additional inclusion or exclusion criteria for participants in this study:  The Study is: A Qualitative Examination on Workplace Bullying, this is part of the inclusion and exclusion for participants,

For inclusion, the researcher will generate an email requesting at least 15 participants to volunteer to participate in the survey and of those that volunteer to take the survey will have the option to identify on the survey of their interest to participate in the focus group and interviews. Participants that do not meet the survey participant requirements such as: 1. Must have worked for the company for at least 1 year 2. Must be 18 years of age, these anticipates will not be allowed to participate. The participant cut-off will be enforced once the researcher has received at least 15 fully completed surveys from the participants. Incomplete surveys will be taken out of the participant count