What games did you play? Do you think the games you played affected your style of verbal communication?

Part A : Enter your original post by clicking on the “Reply” prompt. Post a 200–300 word response to ONE of the following questions. Put Part A and the question number you are responding to in the first line of your post, for example, “Part A: Q1.”

Choose TWO of the following types of nonverbal communication discussed in lecture 3.1 (paralanguage, haptics, proxemics, artifacts, kinesics, physical characteristics), and offer your own observations about how gender influences them. Your examples should be detailed, specific, and applicable to topics from the lectures and textbook articles.
From Julia Wood’s discussion questions on p. 120 of the textbook: Think back to your childhood games. What games did you play? Do you think the games you played affected your style of verbal communication?
Consider the lectures and readings about gendered verbal communication, and offer your reflections, observations, and opinions about how key concepts in this material affect human communication. You should use at least TWO relevant concepts in your post. Examples include masculine generic language, spotlighting or marked language, muted group theory, gender-linked language effect.
Part B : Please read your group members’ Part A posts before completing Part B of this discussion. Enter a 100–200 word response to a peer by clicking “reply” in the post to which you are responding. Begin with a greeting: “Hello, insert first name here.” Your response should not simply repeat the information offered in the original post but extend it by including your own observations, opinions, or experiences.