Discuss,Are you a city person? Do you enjoy small-town life? Do you want to be close to nature? Mountains? Ocean? Lakes? Do you seek excitement or long for tranquility?

For this assignment, I am asking you to pretend that you have been awarded permanent residency in Canada (Don’t laugh….a lot of American’s will be looking to do so on November 4….regardless of who wins the US presidential election). In a two-page essay, state where in Canada you would choose to live. In addition, explain why you selected that particular place. Please, do not be vague in your response. “Ontario” or “British Columbia” will not suffice as a response; any province (even PEI) is too large a geographic area. Rather, a town or city or a specific region (say, Cape Breton Island), is more in line of what I am seeking.
You will have to know a bit about Canadian physical geography….climate, the terrain, and what that permits you to do. Also, you will need to have a grasp of political geography; urban/rural/suburban area, the types of employment found there, the amount of life-style options, etc…
In addition, you will have to do an inventory of the type of place you would prefer to live. Are you a city person? Do you enjoy small-town life? Do you want to be close to nature? Mountains? Ocean? Lakes? Do you seek excitement or long for tranquility?
The better you know yourself and Canadian geography, the sharper your paper will be.
Factor the above elements and write a two-page (two full pages) essay. If you use sources, you must cite them.