Analyze the effectiveness of the survey using Babbie as a source to support your paper

What is it?
This exercise is designed to help you gain a deeper understanding of the how data is collected by using surveys.
How much is it worth?
This assignment is worth 100 points
What is this assignment about?
Part 1: Take a brief online survey on any subject that you desire. This includes those common
customer satisfaction survey’s we all receive.

Part 2: In exactly two pages, discuss the following:

The purpose of the Survey
Discuss the Survey design to include the design of how the responses were set up
Analyze the effectiveness of the survey using Babbie as a source to support your paper
Do you feel it accomplished its purpose? Why or Why not?
What would you have done differently?
Additional comments or concerns.

How will learning to write analysis papers help me in my future career?
Surveys are all around us on a multitude of topics. Understanding which ones are credible and which ones are not can help you make better decisions as a manager, graduate student and consumer.
How do I do I write a good summary paper?
In APA style (double-spaced, one-inch margins, etc) write exactly a 2 page paper.

In addition to the two pages, include a cover page and reference page in APA style