Discuss strategies to address the personality type you selected for your project.

There are two files attached. Treat each file as a completely different paper, there should be a reply for reading 1 and another one for reading 2.

((THIS IS WHAT THE READINGS ARE RESPONDING TO: Select one of the following personality types: Passive-aggressive person, non-supportive person, overly aggressive person, all-talk-no-action person, or the procrastinator. Discuss strategies to address the personality type you selected for your project. Then consider how you might build positive team communication and recognize the contributions of a team member with this personality type. Finally, suggest how you can communicate changes and facilitate success with the entire team. Be specific.)) ** THIS IS NOT WHAT YOU SHOULD WRITE ABOUT, THIS IS WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO BE READING**

Respond to each reading focusing on PROJECT MANAGEMENT terms by doing two of the following:

– Offer additional information based on your professional experience or research
– Post an article or website and summarize why it might provide further insight
– Offer a contradictory opinion based on research and pose a question to seek further information
– Provide an insight, seek clarification and/ or note an omission that might be important

**The two that you choose for the 1st file cannot be used for the 2nd. So all four need to be used between the two responses**

Use at least two references for each reply.