Discuss,Are you optimistic or pessimistic about population problems and scarcity of resources such as water being solved through technology? Why?

The world’s population is growing very rapidly including the countries of this region. The causes for human growth in this region are not just biological but also social, political, philosophical, and theological. Do some research to imagine a debate between an American and any person from the region, Lebanese, Iranian, Syrian, Moroccan, ( Countries in MENA) debating about human population and the scarcity of resources.
Your tasks:
Use the following questions to write a 2-page short paper double space.
• What perspectives do you think an American might bring to the debate?
• What perspectives do you think this person from the region would bring?
• What might be their points of common ground?
• On what might they differ?
• Are you optimistic or pessimistic about population problems and scarcity of resources such as water being solved through technology? Why?
• In your conclusion think about some population challenges for the Middle East and North Africa, and what does the future looks like for the region?