Explain your approach to online learning and how you will accommodate clinicalrequirements

STATEMENT OF PURPOSE REQUIRED GUIDELINES: Online NursingFormatting Criteria:-Essay format (please do not copy the questions below into your essay)-Minimum 600words-Include your full name at the top along with the title Statement ofPurposeThe questions below are guidelines to help you compose your Statement of Purpose, please do not copy them into your essay:1.Why you want to pursue a Master of Science in Nursing-NP program ●Please provide relevant examples of educational and career path that are in alignment with the specialty track●Explain your goals and expectations for pursuing the NP program●What were the circumstances that led you to pursue a nursing●Address your understanding of the NP role in detail2.How your experience and/or skills (i.e. clinical/academic) have prepared you for graduate studies●Please discuss your work experience in the relevantfield (where, how long, when, what types of patients?)3.Why Regis College should expect you to be a successful graduatestudent●Address any grades that are below B-in your academic history (What circumstances led you to that grade and how are you be successful in this program, what changed now)●Please provide justifiable circumstances that impacted your grades in the past●Pleaseaddressanyacademicgapsorinconsistencies that the admissions committee see within your transcripts as well asresume4.A typical student spends on average 20 hours each week on their didactic courses and more during clinical semesters. Outline your plan of action to be successful in this program (any commitment, work schedule, support network)●How many hours can you secure for your studies?
5.Given your professional and personal obligations, please briefly explain your approach to online learning and how you will accommodate clinical requirements●Please address your online learning experience -From which institution?●What platform did you use?6.Where you see yourself in 5-10 years as an NP ●Please include this phrase: “In the next 5 years…”●Consider what would be your scope of practice, setting