How do you understand the translation of formal principles in the Hagia Sophia to this contemporary church?

Contemporary relationship:
In your essay include a paragraph or more on that reflects on a contemporary design of a church by architect Santiago Calatrava for the City of New York that incorporates formal characteristics of the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople. How do you understand the translation of formal principles in the Hagia Sophia to this contemporary church? You may find information using the article cited below; however, you may also do your own research.

Anderson, Nicole. “Calatrava Offers First Glimpse of Liberty Park at World Trade Center When Unveiling Church Design,” The Architect’s Newspaper, December 3, 2013, accessed 1:29PM EST, February 10, 2018,
1. Remember to use 12 point font in CALIBRI and write from the ESSAY TEMPLATE located in the Content Section of D2L. Essays not written with the template may not be graded.
2. Essay should be between 750 and 1000 words. Double spaced paragraphs with proper footnoting when using sourced material.
3. Document margins should be 1” at top, bottom, left and right. If you choose to include a direct quote that is longer than two sentences, please adhere to the following formatting:

“Indent the quote using one tab, decrease the font size to 10 point, decrease line spacing to 1.5. Indent the quote using one tab, decrease the font size to 10 point, decrease line spacing to 1.5. Indent the quote using one tab, decrease the font size to 10 point, decrease line spacing to 1.5.”

4. Please use Chicago Style Manuals posted in the RESOURCE section of D2L <> to ensure you are following correct formatting styles. For this course, I prefer everyone to use footnotes rather than citing sources within the paragraph and / or including a List of Works Cited. Also, please remember to include page numbers at the bottom right of each page (including the first page). Websites such as Wikipedia are not, generally, acceptable sources. Websites of cultural organizations, architects, newspapers journals, etc. are acceptable and should be cited per the Chicago Style Manual.
5. Save your document as: LAST NAME-FIRST NAMEessay01 [02,03, etc.]