What are the powers or responsibilities of the agency as denoted within the enabling statute? What can or is the agency supposed to do?

Provide the name of the agency you have chosen to research.


“Level” of the Agency
At what level of government was this agency created (federal, state, or some other subdivision of government)?


Enabling Law/Statute
Provide a citation for the enabling law/statute that created and empowers the agency (e.g., US Code, state statute, municipal ordinance, etc.). Ensure the citation is proper.


Enumerated Powers
What are the powers or responsibilities of the agency as denoted within the enabling statute? What can or is the agency supposed to do?


Agency Background/History
Why was the agency created? What need does (or did) it fill? What is the agency’s current mission (find and include the agency’s mission statement)?


Agency Leadership
What is the name and title of the person who currently leads this agency. How is that position filled? To whom (or what body) does that individual report? How can that person be removed from the position?


Promulgated Regulations
Provide a formal citation to the regulations that were created and are enforced by the agency (e.g., Code of Federal Regulations [CFR], state administrative code, etc.).


Societal Benefits
What benefits does this agency and its regulations confer to society? Why is this agency important? What good does it do? Be sure to include data to support your assertions and cite your source(s).


Societal Disadvantages/Costs
What costs (in time, money, or productivity) and other disadvantages (or complaints) are commonly associated with this agency and its regulations? Be sure to include data to support your assertions and cite your source(s).


Protective Services Impact
What impact (both positive and negative) does this agency and its regulations have on protective services entities and their employees? (If you are not in protective services, then define how the agency and its regulations directly impact you in your job and your employer.) Be sure to include data to support your assertions and cite your source(s).


Legal Challenges or Exercises of Political Control
It is not unusual for administrative agency actions to be challenged in court or for the agency to be swayed by political forces. Have the agency’s regulations ever been challenged in court? What were the details and what was the outcome? Has the agency or its regulations been impacted by political activities or forces? How is the authority and scope of this agency limited and by whom?


Proposed Changes
What changes would you like to see to this agency, its regulations, or the enforcement of its regulations to improve the operations of your agency/employer and the quality of service you provide to the public or your customers? Why would you propose those changes? What would be the benefits to your agency? Would there be any potential drawbacks (and do the benefits outweigh those drawbacks)? What data is there to support your assertion that these proposed changes are necessary and would be beneficial?