Week 5: Measure Critique
Critiqued by:
Name of measure:
Source reference (provide the complete citation, using correct APA format, of the article, book or website that contains the key information on the measure you are critiquing here):
Construct(s) assessed (e.g., depression, relationship satisfaction, stress):
Method of administration:
Summary of reliability evidence (this includes internal consistency reliability, usually Cronbach’s alpha and often test-retest reliability as well):
Summary of validity evidence (this may include discussions of content, criterion-related [concurrent and/or predictive], and construct [convergent and/or divergent] validity):
Describe the number of participants used to develop the measure and their demographic characteristics (e.g., age, gender, race/ethnicity):
Provide a brief summary of how clinicians have used this measure in therapy:
Recommendations for effective clinical use:
With what populations has this measure been used with (either clinically or in research) (e.g., age, gender, race/ethnicity, setting)
Find and briefly mention the purpose of 2-3 few research studies that have used the measure:
Provide a summary of the findings from one study that used this measure using this template:
What future research is needed on this measure?
Overall impression of measure: