How does each type of perfectionism affect eating disorders and anxiety in adolescents? Do they grow out of it? Do they seek treatment? If so, what kind of treatment? How severe can it get?

There are two types of perfectionism
Self-critical (SC) -involves harsh self-scrutiny, overly critical self-evaluations, and chronic concerns about criticism and disapproval from others
Individual standards
Personal standards (PS)- involves the setting of and striving for high standards and goals for one’s self
Striving for incredibleness(motivational)
How does each type of perfectionism affect eating disorders and anxiety in adolescents? Do they grow out of it? Do they seek treatment? If so, what kind of treatment? How severe can it get?
Personal opinions: I think they can’t grow out of it unless they seek help or if something traumatic happens to them that they realize body image is not important. They find self-worth through the trauma. The ones who strive through their perfectionism have the motivation to shape themselves into their desired way.