What goals can be identified by the sample questions? How does the previous search for information help you to define the objectives of the work?

You will be proposing a scientific question based on topics related to human biology.
We recommend that you make a list of your interests, identify the topic you would like to know about. For example, let’s say you like fish, and you want to have a sustainable aquarium, what plants would serve to perform the work of a filter in the water? Which ones produce the most oxygen?
To solve the first questions they need information, it is necessary to look for it in the indexed journals, there are already validated results and methodologies that can be very useful to verify what is already known. And if the questions are satisfied with the literature review, what other questions are generated by this new knowledge?
Let’s imagine that you first do a search to see the aquatic plants available in your territory, what are the ideal characteristics of commercial varieties. Then they then identify through the literature if the listed species are in their territory. If they are not, then you should collect plants locally, identify them at the botanical garden, and do the nutrient consumption and oxygen production experiment yourself.
The next steps are the identification of the objectives. What goals can be identified by the sample questions? How does the previous search for information help you to define the objectives of the work?
Must contain:
Title: Title of the report tells the reader quickly what it is about. Never contains abbreviations
List of authors: They are the people who actively participated in its execution
Introduction: (minimum 500 characters) it is a concise definition of why you want to do the work and what is the most pertinent information on the subject. The introduction should contain the following
• Purpose or relevance: (minimum 200 characters) Reasoning or approach to the investigation. Link relevant and available information to delineate stages in logical order. In this description, the delimitation of the problem must prevail.
• Objectives: The objectives allow the delimitation of why, they are those that indicate the direction of the investigation. We want at least two objectives to be set that allow them to collect information to evaluate at least two variables that affect a problem.
• Hypothesis: The research questions are followed by the statement of the research hypotheses to be tested. The hypotheses support the research plans clearly and precisely, complemented by the definitions of the variables.
References: Other scientists have produced valuable information on the subject, be sure to reference their findings appropriately following the APA style. (minimum 3 indexed references)
For more complementary information you can search the anatomy of a scientific article