What makes this person interesting or important and worth my attention and time?

Because this is a college class, your selection of a person to introduce should be educational for you and for the class. For example, this could be an important person historically or currently in your field of study or current events. What makes this person unique and interesting? If this is a well-known person, what will you tell us that we may not already know?
Your presentation must show that you have researched the person, and you should cite your research sources (at least three) during the speech. Do not wait until the end and only show a slide with your sources.
To make your speech more interesting you could bring in an object that represents the person. If the object is too large to bring (or is not allowed on campus such as weapons or live animals), you may use a picture or a model. The object must be large enough for the audience to see. A picture printed on the copier and held up would not be large enough to see. Instead, have a PowerPoint slide with the picture.
Remember, the primary purpose is not the object itself, but what it reveals. Use your creativity in what you decide to use or show.
Once you establish your topic, consider the following suggestions for a good outline:
· Have an attention-grabbing opening. Then develop your central message.
· Give some background information and why this information helps the audience know the person better.
· Provide examples.
· In conclusion, offer a memorable answer in your introduction speech on the question the listeners probably will have: What makes this person interesting or important and worth my attention and time?
In this speech, you will be introducing a key figure in the communications field. Each figure has had a powerful impact in shaping the communications industry as we know it today.