What options does the retiree have in regard to retirement payments Conclusion

Research the development and administration of the U.S. Social Security program. The Social Security paper is worth 10 percent of your final grade.

Your Report Should Include:

The History of Social Security Program
The Current Structure
Calculation of Benefits
Other Benefits Available Through the Program.

Written project must be:

typed, double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman or Arial font, with margins no wider than one inch
have footnotes or endnotes, with correct citations
have a bibliography of sources used
include, for each entry, the author, title, city and state of publisher, publisher’s name, year, and page numbers
prepared using word processing software (Microsoft Word preferred), in a manner similar to the preparation of a written assignment for classroom submission
To help you outline your paper below is a generic outline

Title Page
History of the US Social Security Program
Current Social Security Structure
The different Social Security benefit programs currently available?
For each Social Security program:
Program objective
Specific benefits offered
Eligibility requirements for the program
How the benefit is financed
Current status of the benefit program (problems?)
Calculation of the Social Security Benefits amounts
Outline how a retiree’s monthly SS benefit is determined
What options does the retiree have in regard to retirement payments

Please note that starting from the Fall 2020 semester the UMGC moved to the 7th Edition of the APA Style. The links to the 7th Edition of the APA Style methodology are posted in Content – Course Resources – Writing Resources.