Describe the mechanism of action, side effects, caution and/or contraindications, monitoring parameters and determine if the medication is the best option for this patient


Describe the mechanism of action, side effects, caution and/or contraindications, monitoring parameters and determine if the medication is the best option for this patient
Common dosage, route and schedule for the medication
Determine cost of each medication
Is the medication being used reasonably in this situation (risk/benefit analysis)?
Would you make any changes in the use of the drug if you were the provider?

Complete an analysis of the patient including:

Evidence of drug effectiveness
Indicate potential drug interactions (drug-drug, drug-food, drug-herb, etc.)
Indications of possible adverse drug effects
Factors affecting compliance/adherence
What social factors must you considered for this patient?
What education must you provide to the patient about these medications
Are there special considerations for this patient population that must be considered? When would you want to see this patient again in a follow up visit?
Include any nonpharmacologic interventions that you feel are appropriate.