Discuss the ethical issues that you observe about the site and how the site negotiates social work ethics (e.g. what strategies do they use (or not use) to ensure an ethical use of technology?).

The goal of this assignment is to assist students in recognizing the role of technology in our work and the values associated with the use of technology, two themes that are critical to ethical social work practice. In this assignment, students will identify a social work podcast, blog, Instagram account, or other social work media outlet and examine the source for possible ethical dilemmas related to social work practice (see NASW Code of Ethics). Write a 2-page double-spaced analysis

of the ethical issues you see on the site. Include at least TWO standards from the NASW Code of Ethics in your analysis. Discuss the ethical issues that you observe about the site and how the site negotiates social work ethics (e.g. what strategies do they use (or not use) to ensure an ethical use of technology?).

please let me know what site you are choosing to focus on so that i may research them to be familiar.