Discuss the role of family, gender roles, the structure of the work (in medias res, the books, etc.), the title and concept of the journey, symbolism, etc.

You must use college-level sources and cite at least two to three academic texts such as academic journals (scholarly/peer-reviewed) and books (e.g. those written by scholars/professors and published by university presses)(you may quote and/or paraphrase, but cite carefully in all cases). This is the minimum number of sources, and they are in addition to the literary work itself (The Odyssey) . Write an argument with a thesis for which you feel the need to argue—not one that is obvious or factual. Your thesis should be debatable! Some topics You could use, analyze The Odyssey. Discuss the role of family, gender roles, the structure of the work (in medias res, the books, etc.), the title and concept of the journey, symbolism, etc. Use literary present tense. Use third person (no second person). Apply all formal conventions of edited Standard American English and use MLA format and documentation (8th edition). Use times new roman 12. The minimum page requirement for this paper is four full/complete pages, in addition to the MLA-formatted works cited page (not counted in page length).