Discuss what social, ethical, or environmental consequences in the United States or in the world have been resulted from this process.

700-800 words

Choose a product and analyze the social impacts of the product’s life cycle. Discuss what social, ethical, or environmental consequences in the United States or in the world have been resulted from this process. Your discussion should directly answer the question of how this product’s life cycle has affected diversity, equality, and structural inequalities in the U.S. (and the world). You may consider any product: a product with a physical form (such as clothes, phones, etc.) or without a physical form (such as financial or cultural products). You can focus on one or multiple steps in the product’s life cycle, from material acquisition, to production, distribution, marketing, use and final disposal. Please integrate course material (concepts, theories, discussions, and lectures). Cite at least one course reading and one appropriate source from outside class. All course reading materials are posted on the course HOME page.

Instruction: Please review the rubrics before you start writing the paper. Your paper should have a clear structure, including a thesis, body paragraphs with clear topic sentences and focused discussions, and a conclusion. You can use any major citation format (APA, IEEE, Chicago, MLA), but should include an intext citation and a reference list for each citation.

Format: double space (indent the beginning of each paragraph; no extra space between paragraphs), 12 font size