How do you think photography has impacted the world and changed the way we see ourselves? What are some of the positive as well as negative consequences of photography?

1. Some scholars believe Paleolithic cave paintings were made to serve utilitarian functions, as opposed to being purely artistic expressions. That is, they stressed usefulness over beauty, and function (or communication) over expression. Others disagree.What are some of the theories as to their creation, significance, and use? Why do youthink they were created? What do you think they communicate and how were they used? Be specific2. Paper or plastic? Will traditional reading material become obsolete? Consider the technological advances of today, specifically the Kindle, Amazon’s original wireless “reading device,” The Nook, the iPad, iPhone, etc. It seems almost certain that traditional paper bound books will eventually become obsolete, most likely for a number of reasons. Agree/disagree? What do you think those reasons will be, and how do you see the future of reading in the immediate as well as distant future?3. The Industrial Revolution was a radical process of social and economic change, and was the driving force behind the modernization of Europe and America. One of the most important technological advances during the 19th century, and perhaps one of the most important inventions in human history, was the development of photography. How do you think photography has impacted the world and changed the way we see ourselves? What are some of the positive as well as negative consequences of photography?