Identify if this group type is best suited for an OPEN group, a CLOSED group, or can both models work for this group type.

Each student will write a 1 ½ – 2 page, typewritten, double-spaced referenced paper discussing one of the social work group types: SELF HELP GROUP

Your paper must include the following:

1. Important group type content (relevant group concepts for the group type or group
model, etc., (3 points)
2. Purpose of this group type (3 points)
3. Role of the group facilitator (2 Points)
4. Types of client situations or problems for which this group type is best suited.(3 Points)

5. Identify if this group type is best suited for an OPEN group, a CLOSED group, or
can both models work for this group type. Please provide a rationale for your choice( 2 points)

6. Overall organization, clarity of presentation, correct grammar and spelling and
correct APA formatting( 2 Points)