What specific symbols does the author use, and what do they mean? How do these meanings contribute to the story’s progress and help the reader better arrive at the text’s overall meaning?

English B1B Essay #1 –FictionWrite an essay aboutone of thefollowingstories: •Chinua Achebe, “Dead Men’s Path”•Alice Walker, “Everyday Use”•Ray Bradbury, “A Sound of Thunder”Your essay should focus on one of these elementsin the story you choose(the questionsbeloware meant to get you thinking and do not necessarily need to be answered in your paper):•SETTING: How does thesetting enhance the story? How would the story be different without it? How does it help the author develop the plot, as well as the themes in the story? Are any characters interrelated to the setting in thestory? If so, how does the setting, especially at the climax of the story, contribute to a change in the characters’ personal perspectives? •CHARACTER: Perform a character study of one of the major or minor characters in your selected story. What is unique about this character? Is he or she flat or round? How does he or she evolve throughout the course of the story, if at all? How does his or her presence in the story add to its complexity? Is there anything unstated about the character that we can discover through careful close-reading? How does this character contribute to the overall theme of the story? •SYMBOLISM AND THEME: Write an essay in which you analyze the relationship between the symbolism in the text and the theme(s) you believe is underlying the the narrative’s plot. What specific symbols does the author use, and what do they mean? How do these meanings contribute to the story’s progress and help the reader better arrive at the text’s overall meaning? Are the theme(s) and symbolism intertwined or at odds with each other