Discuss.how does Bourdieu’s theory of social reproduction help us understand the “life chances” of Coal Miners?

Using the three differentUsing the three different theories of class (Marx, Weber, and Bourdeiu) introduced by Guest, analyze one of the case studies of class in the United States detailed by either Hedges or Susser. (Eg, what would Marx have to say about NYC being one of the most “unequal cities in the world”?, how does Bourdieu’s theory of social reproduction help us understand the “life chances” of Coal Miners?, etc.) As always, be sure to cite your sources and draw directly from the assigned texts and weekly lecture. (Marx, Weber, and Bourdeiu) introduced by Guest, analyze one of the case studies of class in the United States detailed by either Hedges or Susser. (Eg, what would Marx have to say about NYC being one of the most “unequal cities in the world”?, how does Bourdieu’s theory of social reproduction help us understand the “life chances” of Coal Miners?, etc.) As always, be sure to cite your sources and draw directly from the assigned texts and weekly lecture.