What are the ethical issues? What are some examples of how this marketing practice could be misused and could lead to unethical actions? What Catholic Social Teaching principles apply?

Part A:

post to the designated Canvas Discussion location your response to two different “Issues” listed below. (a) Separately explain how each issue is or is not ethical from a marketing standpoint AND from a Catholic Social teaching standpoint. Be specific. (b) Provide a company example of at least one of the issues listed below.

Catholic Social Teaching (CST) Principles

Dignity of the Human Person
Option for the Poor
Solidarity of the Human Family
The Common Good
Dignity of Work
The Universal Purpose of Material Things
Social Nature of the Human Person
Not locating grocery stores in lower-income neighborhoods: what are the ethical issues? What are some examples of how this marketing practice could be misused and could lead to unethical actions? What Catholic Social Teaching principles apply?
Companies requiring access to your location for the use of a website, an app, so on: what are the ethical issues? What are some examples of how this marketing practice could be misused and could lead to unethical actions? What Catholic Social Teaching principles apply?
Student credit card promotions by companies: what are the ethical issues? What are some examples of how this marketing practice could be misused and could lead to unethical actions? What Catholic Social Teaching principles apply?
Inexpensive cigarettes for youths: what are the ethical issues? What are some examples of how this marketing practice could be misused and could lead to unethical actions? What Catholic Social Teaching principles apply?
Price discounts on products that risk health
What are these products, besides cigarettes?
What are the ethical issues? What are some examples of how this marketing practice could be misused and could lead to unethical actions? What Catholic Social Teaching principles apply?
“Price connotes value”
When is this used unethically? What are some examples of how this marketing practice could be misused and could lead to unethical actions? What Catholic Social Teaching principles apply?
Profit=Total revenue –Total Cost
=(Unit Price-Quantity Sold) – Total Cost
When is this formula manipulated unethically? What are some examples of how this marketing practice could be misused and could lead to unethical actions? What Catholic Social Teaching principles apply?
One pricing objective can be “Social responsibility”
Which Catholic Social Teaching principles might influence this value structure in a company?
One pricing objective can be “Sales” and another can be “Market share”
When/how could this objective be manipulated unethically? What are some examples of how this marketing practice could be misused and could lead to unethical actions? What Catholic Social Teaching principles apply?
When could a skimming price strategy for early-adopter consumers be manipulated unethically? What are some examples of how this marketing practice could be misused and could lead to unethical actions? What Catholic Social Teaching principles apply?
A National Bureau Economic Research study indicated that African Americans, Latinos, and women, on average, paid more for a new car than the “typical” purchaser. Smaller price premiums remained after adjusting for income, education and other factors that may influence price negotiations. What are some examples of how this marketing practice could be misused and could lead to unethical actions? What Catholic Social Teaching principles apply?
What Catholic Social Teaching principles could guide an analysis of deceptive pricing ?
The FTC acknowledges that the offer of “free” merchandise or services can be a useful marketing practice. Yet they recognize that such offers must be made with care so as to avoid consumers being misled or deceived. What are some examples of how this marketing practice could be misused and could lead to unethical actions? What Catholic Social Teaching principles apply?