Why do you want to teach your subject?When you are teaching your subject, what are your goals?

A statement of personal philosophy of education is a reflective piece, generally 1-2 pages long that summarizes your core educational beliefs pertaining to the teaching of Multicultural education. (Your core beliefs about the purpose, process, nature, and ideals of education). Since the statement of philosophy also serves as a writing sample, it must demonstrate mastery of spelling, grammar and other rules of written English. (For the purposes of this course, your statement will be written in a 12 pt. font, double spaced and at least 2.5 pages long.) Review the rubric so that you include all points requested. Eventually, you will be able to include some part of this philosophy in your General Education Philosophy.
Teaching Philosophy Statement dos and don’ts:
Don’t give idyllic BUT empty concepts
Do keep it short (1–2.5 pages)
Do provide concrete examples and evidence of usefulness of teaching concepts
Do discuss impact of methods, lessons learned, challenges and innovations
Do discuss connections between teaching, research, and service
Answer these questions to get started:
The purpose of multicultural education is to________.
Why do you want to teach your subject?
Students learn best by______________.
When you are teaching your subject, what are your goals?
The most effective methods for teaching are___________.
I know this because__________________.
The most important aspects of my teaching are______________.