Compare & contrast major discourse community with OFF-campus discourse community (could be TWO paragraphs where one paragraph looks at similarities and the second looks at the differences).

As you recall, there are two parts of this essay: (1) an interview with a faculty member on-campus about your major area and analyzing the information about discourse communities AND (2) a selection of an OFF-campus discourse community and the analysis of the same aspects of the previous part.
Here is the outline you should follow:
The introduction
Major discourse community and shared public goals
Major discourse community and mechanisms for communication
Major discourse community and types of information and feedback through the mechanisms
Major discourse community and genres used
Major discourse community and lexis
Major discourse community and levels of expertise
Transition to OFF-campus discourse community and shared public goals
OFF-campus discourse community and mechanisms for communication
OFF-campus discourse community and types of information and feedback through the mechanisms
OFF-campus discourse community and genres used
OFF-campus discourse community and lexis
OFF-campus discourse community and levels of expertise
Compare & contrast major discourse community with OFF-campus discourse community (could be TWO paragraphs where one paragraph looks at similarities and the second looks at the differences).
(Could be paragraph 16 depending on previous choice) Conclusion (e.g. what is the “so what?” What did you learn from this analysis?)

Questions about this organization?