How does the hermeneutical circle presented by Miguel de La Torre, and “doing Christian ethics from the margins” fit with this chapter, or another chapter, or Hauerwas’s book as a whole?

1. Summarize this book. What is the message and argument presented by Hauerwas? What do you find most valuable? What do you find most challenging? How has this book helped you understand Christian ethics?

1. Choose one chapter, summarize and analyze the argument in it. Why did you choose this chapter? It what ways is it valuable? In what ways is it challenging? Are there claims Hauerwas makes that you find wrong, and if so, why? What is the theology used by Hauerwas to make his claims about ethics? In other words,
What is the relationship between theology and ethics evident in this chapter?

1. How does the hermeneutical circle presented by Miguel de La Torre, and “doing Christian ethics from the margins” fit with this chapter, or another chapter, or Hauerwas’s book as a whole?

It is an open-book exam. You can write your answers to the questions using the book.

The answers to questions 1 and 2 must be a minimum of three pages, double spaced, using 12 inch font.
The answer to question 3 must be a minimum of one page, double spaced, using 12 inch font.