What topic do you plan to address and how do you plan to approach it? The subject must be healthcare related.


The final culminating project for this course will be a 12-page research paper.
What topic do you plan to address and how do you plan to approach it? The subject must be healthcare related.
Provide a subject you are interested in and your reason. Provide a minimum of 4 sentences.
Respond to at least one classmate with a minimum of 3 sentences.
No reference is required in this discussion.
Paper Requirements to meet:

Directions: The final culminating project for this course will be a 10-pages of content, a cover page and reference page with a total of 12 pages research paper about any healthcare administration issue of your choice.
You must select an issue that encompasses at least 2 out of 3 of the following:
-Management and leadership application
-Financial considerations
-Ethical and or health disparity or patient safety issues.
What two issues will you be tackling in your final paper? Please explain.

Five references that date back no later than 5 years.
If you discuss it in the paper it must have a reference.
10 pages of content, a cover page and reference page a total of 12 pages.
Grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, sentence structure, & in text citations.
I suggest using subheadings for the leadership applications.

Use your subject as your focal point but always keep in mind the business object