Describe a scene between people. If important, feel free to write about buildings, topography, landscapes, characters that support your adjective.

Some tips:
• Do not choose a state or city. Instead, focus on a neighborhood or area that best represents your adjective/thesis.
• Don’t write an essay that contains only descriptions but no organizing main idea.
• Make a paragraph about one example of your thesis. Then, move onto the next paragraph with a new example.
• Use specifics and vivid descriptions. Describe a scene between people. If important, feel free to write about buildings, topography, landscapes, characters that support your adjective.
• Stay focused! Describe the features of the place that supports your thesis (do not include details that neutralize or contradict your thesis).

For this assignment, I want you to think about a place, a location, and I want you to define the character of that place. Begin by answering the question: What is the personality or adjective (or combination of two adjectives) that best describes this place? This will be your thesis. Make sure all your descriptions support your ONE answer to this question. To begin, find two or three adjectives that describe your location. Make a list of examples that support these adjectives. Then, choose one or two adjectives that has the longest and most colorful list. That adjective (or two adjectives) will be your thesis.