Explain how caring for your patient through the lens of this nursing theorist impacted the patient’s care/outcome.

Learning LogWrite a journal or written recording of the topic you choose. In summary, it is a written reflection of what you are learning using your own perception/experience and digging deeper into the topic by researching and how it connects to your experience. Writing a learning log is an excellent way to help use writing as a process of discovery and to clarify ideas. Scenario: A 73-year-old female was admitted with shortness of breath, end-stage COPD, and pneumonia. The patient had a history of hypertension, cigarette smoker, COPD, and hyperlipidemia. Early hours before the start of a shift, the patient developed atrial fibrillation. The patient was on continuous heparin. Later, shift a full head to assessment was done to further assess patient condition. Patient had poor skin turgor with diminish pulse in posterior tibial. Wheezing was heard in the lower right lobe and crackle on the lower right lobe. Respiratory rate:30, SpO2: 83%, Pulse 80 (irregular). Attach is an exemplar learning log for you to see. What is the task? What do I need to do?Three pages (not including title and reference page). Yes- APA format is required. APA 7th edition recommended. Critical thinking must be evident. Simply listing facts or reporting on the literature is not acceptable. Correct sentence structure, grammar, punctuation. Assignment:Topic: Theory-Application of theory to clinical practice1. Describe the pathophysiology of your patient’s illness.
2. Describe the relationship between nursing and medical diagnosis—how were each arrived at? (i.e., what diagnostic studies were performed, and why? 3. What signs and symptoms led to the nursing diagnosis, and how do they relate to the pathophysiology)? What therapeutic interventions were implemented, and why? 4. Additionally, select a midrange nursing theory and apply it to the care you gave your patient. What is a mid-range theory? Here is a list of Middle-Range Theorists. Middle Range theory means these theorists tend to think more concretely rather than abstract. You only need to choose one theory. oMiddle Range Theorists: Barnard Leininger Parse Mishel Newman Adam Pender Orlando Travelbee Kolcaba Erickson, Tomlin, Swain Mercer 5. Explain how caring for your patient through the lens of this nursing theorist impacted the patient’s care/outcome. 6. Add some self-reflection to your Learning Log. 7. Provide evidence-based research from two or more articles to support your work.