Identify how you would assess and manage the patient in the pre-hospital setting. This is the focus for case studies in Medical Studies.

please read everything before starting.

#Case Studies that do not conform to these guidelines will receive a mark of 0.

The following guidelines are provided when writing up your case study:
• _1500 words not including the references.
• _Case Study presentation should follow APA 7th referencing and all sources should be referenced. This includes in-text referencing as part of your answer.

The case study reports are designed to assess the student’s ability to:

o Present the case in a clear and succinct manner
o Perform a literature review
o Explain the pathophysiology and aetiology
o Provide a provisional diagnosis
o identify how you would assess and manage the patient in the pre-hospital setting. This is the focus for case studies in Medical Studies.

Last year I received 40/100 in the same case study because the writer did not follow the Case study Rubric file with a lot of comment.

Use medical words do not use high and low or number for example, tachycardia not rate of 120 bpm

Some of the comments are as follows:
-Unfortunately you have failed to diagnosis this pt
-Your diagnosis of Cholera does not correlate
with symptoms of the pt in the case sheet as the pt has
no history of diarrhoea.
-You have also failed to correctly treat this pt and have
shown limited critical understanding.
-Please review appendicitis, peritonitis and sepsis for
further understanding.
-Remember to adhere to the allocated word count.