Identify the specific evidence that supports the main argument. Does this evidence convince the reader? Is there any evidence that contradicts the author’s position?

Write an analytical essay. Choose either the King, Woolf, Ryan or Brockenbrough essays from the chapter.
Integrate specific support from the reading that you choose. This means quotations, paraphrases or summaries. Start using MLA citations and Works Cited.
King deals with the positive/negative effects of reading both good and bad books. He also discusses the sacrifices he believes a potential writer must make.
Your essay needs to include answers to these questions:
Identify the author’s assumptions about the subject, his thesis.
What may have led the author to this position?
Identify the specific evidence that supports the main argument. Does this evidence convince the reader? Is there any evidence that contradicts the author’s position?
Is each source used to support the thesis relevant to the topic?
If there are any visuals that accompany the essay, how does it relate to the written text and does it reinforce it or not?