Summarise and describe the most relevant key findings from the research that support the statement.

These three articles must support the statement: inappropriate footwear worn by older people in hospital can increase the risk of falling.
*JUST hospital

1. Using the template develop a search strategy to locate relevant sources of evidence that supports the assignment question.
2. Conduct a search of the literature using your search strategy.
3. Choose three (3) primary research papers most relevant in supporting the assignment question.
4. Extract information from each of the three (3) papers and organise using the template (total approx. 1000 words) outlining the:
a) Purpose/aim of the study
b) Sample – who was included in the research? How many were included?
c) Design – what kind of research was undertaken?
d) Method – describe how the research was undertaken.
e) Key findings – describe the findings that relate specifically to supporting the question statement.
5. Summarise and describe the overall findings from the three (3) research papers (approx. 1000 words) in order to provide supporting evidence that demonstrates “inappropriate footwear worn by older people in hospital can increase the risk of falling”. This should be written in the form of a short essay.
Your essay should:
a) Introduce the problem and topic area briefly (no additional references required).
b) Discuss the context of the research (this may include the aim, sample and setting).
c) Summarise and describe the most relevant key findings from the research that support the statement.
d) Relate the findings specifically to the statement and explain why the evidence supports the statement.
e) Conclude with a summary of the supporting evidence to bring together your discussion.